This is a press release about Crossword Weaver, the leading crossword puzzle construction software. Webmaster's note: The product's name has since been changed from Plexus Word Weaver® to Crossword Weaver™. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Crossword Puzzle Software BreakthroughProvo, Utah, September 16, 1997 -- Today the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office granted the first patent for a computerized method of making crossword puzzles. The patented method makes it possible for anyone to create newspaper-style crossword puzzles on their home computer. Newspaper-style crossword puzzles are usually symmetrical, with each letter in two crossing words, and are loved by millions nationwide. "Creating these crossword puzzles is incredible difficult," explains Peter Rehm, the inventor and designer of the puzzle software. "It makes chess look like tic-tac-toe. Millions can play chess and millions can solve crossword puzzles, but only a few dozen gifted people worldwide can make newspaper-style crossword puzzles." The patent means that anyone can now create a customized crossword puzzle. You can design your own puzzles about sports, music, or any topic simply by giving the software a list of words you would like to see in the puzzle. Crossword puzzle software that has previously been available created only loosely-crossed, or skeleton puzzles. Often the software box has shown newspaper-style puzzles and reports that you can create your own puzzles too. For the last 15 years users have been disappointed to find they can not create the more complex puzzles. Today's patent changes that. "Early home users of the software are finding it easy to create newspaper-style puzzles for custom birthday cards and gifts, as well as for their own personal entertainment," reports Rehm. "In some cases public speakers have handed out puzzles that amplify their topic." This new software has been tested with teachers and professors who are making puzzles about everything from literature to economics. Newsletter editors are using the software to challenge their readers with crossword puzzles about jazz, sports, medicine, and family trivia. The commercial version of the software is called Plexus Word Weaver. "Plexus" is a medical term that means an "interwoven arrangement of parts," like words in crossword puzzles. A complete description of the software can be found on the Internet here. The software is available directly from Variety Games, Inc. at 1-800-229-3939 for $49.95 plus $4.95 S&H. The software runs on Windows 3.1 or 95. Variety Games, Inc., founded in 1988, holds licenses to two other patents on novel types of cryptograms and software for making and playing cryptograms.
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