This is one of the rave reviews of our program Crossword Weaver, the leading crossword puzzle construction software. Hot Software Products ComputerCredible Review Team Crossword
Weaver by Variety Games We had always planned on featuring a crossword puzzle in each issue of ComputerCredible. We tried several software programs and were disappointed in all of them. The biggest failing of most crossword puzzle construction software is the inability to export puzzles, clues and solutions to a desktop publishing system such as QuarkXpress or Pagemaker. The other major failing is that a great deal of manual work is required to complete the puzzle. That has all changed with Crossword Weaver. Not only does it do a great job in exporting to almost all Windows programs, but it allows a great deal of flexibility, control and automation. So much in fact, that our enthusiasm for the product was so high that we went ahead and used Crossword Weaver to create the puzzle on page 44. To create a puzzle, all we did was select a crossword pattern (numerous patterns are available), entered some theme (networking) words, and Crossword Weaver did the rest. The only manual intervention was the editing of some of the clues. Click a button and Crossword Weaver automatically uses as many theme words as possible with the remaining words coming from its dictionary of 60,000 words; most of which already have clues. The speed at which the software constructs the puzzle is quite impressive. Whether you need a puzzle for your company newsletter, as an educational aide to teach or study vocabulary words, or simply as a means of recreation, you can't go wrong with Crossword Weaver. Pros
System Requirements
Price: $39.95 plus $4.95 S&H* *Edited to reflect current pricing and requirements |
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