Software Products |
Crossword Puzzle Maker Quickly make two styles of crossword puzzles, each using your words with Crossword Weaver! Download the free demo and see for yourself just how easy crosswords can be! Perfect for teachers, students, home schoolers, newsletter editors, business trainers, newspapers, puzzle publishers and more! |
Word Search Puzzle Maker Enter your words, press a button and your puzzle appears instantly! 1-2-3 Word Search Maker is the fastest and easiest way to make a word search puzzle. Many unique features make this the best resource for teachers, parents, and home schoolers. Try the free demo now and see for yourself. |
Cryptogram Maker Free! Simply type in your words or phrases, push a button, and immediately export as either text or html! 1-2-3 Cryptogram Maker will give you a different cypher every time. This software makes sure your puzzles are perfect, and always unique. |
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