No prior experience with crossword puzzles is
required for either puzzle creator or puzzle solver.
Inserts up to dozens of your theme words into every puzzle (free-form style). The
number of your words you can get into a newspaper-style puzzle varies.
Creates professional style puzzles in which every letter is in two crossing words in a
symmetrical pattern.
Creates freeform puzzles that use only words you provide.
Automatically adds clues for all or almost all of the words in the puzzle.
Lets you remove words you dont like and automatically "repair" the
puzzle solution.
Creates puzzles up to 51 columns by 51 rows. The biggest of any puzzle software!
Use any words from any Roman-alphabet language--including medical,
scienticific, and technical words.
Lets you change fonts, grid size & position, margins, number of columns, etc.
Lets you export your puzzle to other Windows programs.
Includes extensive on-screen help and has a great Users Manual and Reference
Guide if you need it.